Rocío López Ruíz | Near Death Experience | HH#12

Rocio recounts her experience of dying and coming back to life, and how that experience changed her life.

With her partner Mario Gomez Mayorga, Rocio runs Con Ciencia Indígena:

Con Ciencia Indígena runs workshops out of Palenque, Mexico to help challenge you to walk your true path in life, with the strength and integrity needed to stay on that path. I, Luke Hancock, visited with Con Ciencia Indigena in 2010 and can positively say it was one of the best experiences in my life, and I highly, highly recommend anyone who feels a calling to be a more effective human to check them out. They are masters at bringing the Toltec wisdom teachings from the indigenous groups they work with, and allowing you to experience that magic to help transmute your life onto one of a path of heart. Please check them out:

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